Vision of Voyage Hotels
To lead the dynamics of privileged accommodation and to be the ultimate goal of each customer and personnel in the destinations we operate.
Mission of Voyage Hotels
To keep customer satisfaction at the highest level and to enrich lives with high quality services that we deliver through empathy, value generation, innovation, company spirit and respect for diversity.
Values of Voyage Hotels
- Innovation
- Passion
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Care
- Determination
- Sustainability
- To establish and retain policies that promote honest, transparent, fair, respectable, and trust based relationships.
- To select and develop our dynamic and professional human resources from the candidates who fit appropriately with our corporate culture and objectives.
- To establish, manage, monitor, and improve systems on occupational health and safety, as a group that invests in and values people.
- To organise training events that will serve our company's goals, improve the personal development of our personnel, and measure their effectiveness.
Here, we respect each other's rights and opinions; we know that we are a whole, without discrimination on the basis of gender, language, religion or race. Our primary responsibility is to treat all of our employees fairly, regardless of their sexual orientation, age, gender, ethnicity, religious belief or ability. In this context, we learn together, become stronger, and have the opportunity to develop economically, personally, and professionally. Our sense of belonging is a reflection of our team, and our commitment to our work.
For this;
- We adopt a common management approach that is open, equal, transparent, fair, and involving employees,
- We offer equal, standard, safe working conditions,
- We allow problems to be heard and solved,
- We provide monitor work performance and assist with professional career planning,
- We sustain a fair work and remuneration policy that meets legislations and established standards,
- We listen to our employees, apply a communication model where ideas can be freely declared, and improve dialogue,
- We make our employees feel safe and protect their personal information,
- We prioritise the right to know where we work, to develop ourselves and to be trained,
- We ensure that all of our employees benefit from the benefits, fringe benefits and awards we offer.
For this;
We offer environments/facilities that contribute to the development of children, where they can easily express their thoughts and wishes, and feel free and comfortable. We congratulate and encourage small achievements at every opportunity, and provide direction to help them understand one other’s feelings and thoughts when communicating with other children. We educate our team about all types of child abuse (physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect), and provide training on notifying child abuse, and our social obligations in this regard. We try to be aware of the attitude and behaviour of parents towards their children and any signs of physical, verbal, or psychological abuse, violence, or neglect. We ensure that our child guests are under adult supervision during the activities they attend. We make sure to know how to contact parents or other trusted adults in situations where we take custody of our child guests (nursing service, mini club, etc.). We organise training events in order to raise awareness on the protection of children's rights and support related projects, When we witness any suspicious actions towards children, we inform the hotel management first and ask for help from the Social Support Line.
For this;
We assess the impact of environmental damage and develop methods to minimise this within the framework of legal regulations, We try to prevent accidents that can cause any kind of pollution or damage the environment, We take care to separate our waste in the most efficient way, according to the group and hazard class. With this approach, more waste can be recycled or destroyed without damaging nature. We aim to reduce the amount of waste. We try to use water, energy and all natural resources economically; we share this value with our employees, guests and suppliers. We measure our performance in environmental management and monitor these data with targets to improve our performance, We aim to educate our employees about the environment and increase their awareness, We work to ensure that our guests and employees participate in our environmental protection policy, and we try to make this philosophy a lifestyle.
For this;
We support the protection of local resources and facilities, and ensure accessibility to them, We ensure that local culture and traditions are adopted and do not allow discrimination based on opinions, ethnic origin, beliefs, etc., We have discussions and take into consideration the values, sensitivities and needs of the local people when decisions are made. We support the preservation of historical and archaeological artefacts, Together with the local people, we work for solidarity and the protection of historical and cultural assets, and avoid affecting the natural landscape where possible, We provide local employment and supplies to contribute to the regional economy, We support the promotion of local food, and activities, culture and traditions of the region (religious places, cultural places, natural wealth, etc.), and train employees in this regard.
For this;
We ensure the health, safety and well-being of all of our employees regardless of gender. We support women's participation in the labour force in all our departments We employ an equal wage policy for equal rights without gender discrimination. We distribute duties according to the principle of equality. We provide equal access to career opportunities regardless of gender. We create educational policies, support women's participation and increase awareness. We create work environments and practices that promote a work-family life balance. We support women wishing to pursue managerial roles.
Within the scope of our innovative tourism mentality, we hereby undertake the following to constantly improve and develop the information security management system that we carry out in order to protect all information assets:
We target digitalization at a rate that will not affect our social communication ability, which is one of the strongest aspects of our sector. We adopt the idea that digital transformation is a tool which will increase the speed, productivity, safety in our infrastructure, and our data and analysis ability, contribute to our corporate development, working culture and support our business continuity, catching the era and developing our service quality.
DEVELOPMENT, INNOVATION AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATION POLICY Here, we aim to improve working life and the service we offer every day, ensure sustainability, provide added value to the economy as well and be recognized as a brand that is inspired by competitors and that is in effective communication with all its stakeholders.
As Voyage Hotels, we are committed to effectively utilizing energy resources in all of our activities.
We undertake to:
• Comply with legal regulations,
• Ensure the continuity of the established system that is compatible with the ISO 50001 Energy Management system Standard and meets the needs and expectations of all relevant parties,
• Continuously improve our energy performance by meeting the relevant criteria and provide the necessary human, infrastructure and technological resources to achieve our goals,
• Control energy consumption by considering energy efficiency in the procurement of new equipment, products and services,
• Periodically report our monitored and analysed energy performance to the relevant parties,
• Continuously improve our system by evaluating our risks and opportunities related to energy management along with advancing technology,
• Provide trainings to raise awareness among our employees and stakeholders regarding energy efficiency.
- We prioritize accessibility in our product and service design, ensuring inclusivity for people with disabilities, children, and others with special needs.
- Our sustainability management system is proactive; we continuously monitor practices and targets to plan and implement corrective actions as needed.
- We uphold high standards of accessibility, health, and safety for all guests, staff members, and visitors with special needs or physical sensitivities. We meticulously organize holiday or work environments to meet these essential standards.
Regarding the procurement of materials, equipment and services, - Supplier Selection and Relationships: Since suppliers directly impact our product and service quality, we choose only high-quality suppliers who meet our standards. - Environmental and Social Responsibility: We monitor environmental impacts along with employee well-being. Our suppliers are encouraged to uphold these responsibilities too. - Performance Evaluation: Suppliers' performance is constantly monitored, and they are expected to support new product/service development and agile sourcing strategies. - Ethical Standards: Established standards govern the handling of ethical issues such as child labour, forced labour, health and safety, environmental protection, and discrimination. - Legal Compliance: All suppliers are expected to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and rules. - Contract and Ethical Terms: Contracts include specific ethical terms that all suppliers must follow. - Monitoring and Evaluation: Upon request by Voyage Hotels, business partners undergo social audits to ensure compliance with our code of ethics. This policy ensures that Voyage Hotels manages its supply chain in an ethical, quality-oriented, and sustainable manner, as well as maintains fair and long-term relationships with its suppliers.
At Voyage Hotels, we are dedicated to addressing the climate crisis by enhancing energy efficiency and carrying out recycling and waste reduction initiatives. We also embrace water-saving technologies while supporting the preservation of local ecosystems. By implementing sustainable purchasing policies, we are increasing the use of environmentally friendly products and promoting greater environmental awareness among both our staff and guests. Our ultimate aim is to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations and we are making steady progress towards this objective by developing new strategies.
Ecology is a discipline which studies the interactions among organisms and their environment. In this definition; organisms mean the communities that consist of human beings, animals and plants. The suitable setting for an organism to live and continue its lineage is called environment. Factors like air, water, light and earth create the environment. Ecosystem is the entire community of living organisms and non-living components.
Ecology is closely related with disciplines like botany, zoology, microbiology, physiology, plant nutrition, anatomy, morphology, pathology, pedology, geology, geomorphology, mineralogy, physics, chemistry, meteorology and climatology. However, ecology differs from other natural sciences at some points in terms of research subject, methods and purposes. Dealing with basic topics that are common for all living organisms and that can have an effect on those living creatures, ecology studies the habitat of the living organisms and their interactions with other living organisms, not specific organs belonging to a living organism and vital activities of those organs.
Ecology is related with all kinds of biodiversity. Topics of interest also include the place of a small microorganism in the conversion of a food and impact of rain forests on the atmosphere. All living organisms need to establish a relationship with their surroundings. Therefore, ecology is significant for the sustainability of both environment and life.
Biodiversity means the variety and variability of life on earth and ecological process accordingly. Living organisms need clean water, fertile lands, foods and other substances to maintain their lives. All fungi, plants, animals and other living organism that ensure all these constitute the biodiversity.
As biodiversity in a certain region increases, ecological services increase as well. Since a balanced and correct interaction should be formed between the species to ensure the increase, when biodiversity increases, substance cycle and energy flow in ecosystems will be more effective. In contrary, if the variety in ecosystem decrease, ecosystem services decrease as well.
At this point, ecosystem diversity, variability of species and genetic variability stand as three components that complete each other, ensure the complexity and variety of the life on earth and play an efficient role in the continuity of the nature. Components of biodiversity can be defined as follows:
Ecosystem Diversity: The name of the continuous system formed by the interactions of living and non-living organisms in a certain region. Ecosystem constitutes the mechanism of basic ecological processes needed by human beings like oxygen, water circulation, energy flow, soil production.
Variability of Species: The difference of the species in a region, area, habitat or the entire world is called variability of species. It’s the number of existing species. Species can be classified by their common traits. It’s estimated that there are 10 – 80 million species on earth; however, the number of species that are identified and designated by the scientists is only 1.6 million.
Genetic Variability: Each species consists of its own genetic components. Therefore, member of a species can have different genetic components and can be in different populations. To sustain the genetic variability in a healthy way, it’s required to maintain the different populations of a species.
Benefits of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is significant to maintain the sustainability of the existing level in agriculture and animal husbandry, even in technology as well as continuation of the human life. Abundance of plant and animal species ensures economic gain and leads the way for the development in fields like clean water, clean air, forestry and agriculture. Balance of the ecosystems, habitable condition of the world and health of human beings are ensured thanks to the biodiversity.
Benefits of Plant Diversity
Plants prevent the erosion, give organic matters to the soil and play an important role in the continuation of ecosystem by ensuring the nutrition and sheltering of other living organisms. Vegetables and fruits like silverberry, pistacia terebinthus, alfalfa, sorbus, common hawtorn, wild pear, jujube are used in medicine and efficient in production of drugs and healthy life. On the other hand, cottonwood, juniper, oak, pine and acorn are grown in Turkey and make great contribution to the forestry.
Benefits of Animal Diversity
Animals have been used as food source since being domesticated by early man. Some of the insects ensures the pollination of plants and decomposition of organic substances to dissolve into the soil. Fishes like trout, bass and gray mullet that are specific to the country ensure the continuity of fishery and animals like sheep, goat and cow ensure the continuity of animal husbandry.
Benefits of Ecosystem Diversity
People relieves their stress and concerns in their daily lives by going somewhere in touch with the nature and rest their heads in this way. Tourism based on nature is called ecotourism and it has a huge importance recently. The number of people who want to run away from negative factors like the effect of technology on our daily lives, pressures and concerns in business world and noise, crowd and traffic in big cities, and to relax in the heart of nature has increased especially in the recent period.
Sustainability of the ecosystems depends on the variety and health of the species in it. First rule of the continuation of life of human beings is not spoiling the ecosystems. Beside the benefits of biodiversity and ecosystems for the human beings, they also possess their own values and rights to exist. We must protect them not only for our needs and requirements but also for their own values and rights to exist just as all living organisms.
What is an Endemic Plant?
Derived from the Greek word “endomos”, endemic means local or something belonging to that region. If any plant spreads over an area with certain borders, it’s an endemic plant. Plant species or types that spread over only certain regions on earth are called endemic. Antalya chamomile or Pyrus serikensis are examples for endemic plants to these regions.